Sunday, March 16, 2008

Getting my priorities straight

Between car issues, work issues, and being a whiny sickly bitch this last week, well... let's just move on, shall we? My primary concern for the next two months is to get out and about to see as much of the Republic in Which I Stand as possible. Next weekend is hiking in the Drakensburgs, then I'm working on scheduling a trip to wine country with my friend Wolf (the fact that I've been here a year and a half and haven't done this yet is obscene) and a day-trip to Swazi to hit the glass factory that can fit in anywhere. In a perfect world a trip up to Namibia will fit in there too but we'll see. I did get my tv fixed this week so the travel channel and BBC Food are considerably more visually enjoyable. Now back to Gilmore Girls (it's raining, don't judge me).

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