Thursday, July 17, 2008

How to Chill

My friend Scott is a classicist, which I understand, because, in many areas of life or the arts, I am one as well. But when it comes to wine I live by the "what tastes best" rule. And on a hot day, what tastes best for a rosé is to be nicely chilled. The problem is how to keep it that way once it’s in your glass while you sip and lounge on a concrete pad on a breezeless 38 degree day. I like to drop a cube in the glass to keep it crisp. A lot of South Africans will fill half the glass with ice for all their whites and rosés and, although that’s where I picked up the idea, that’s just asking for a watery, flavorless mess.
So, my faithful 2 readers, as the balmy days of summer fix their withering glare fully upon us, where do you fall on the great to-cube-or-not-to-cube debate?


artemisia said...

Get a cheap but tasty white wine ( I like a wine that is more dry than sweet) put a couple of ice cubes in it, and a wedge of lime. It is quite tasty.

I'd never, ever put ice in red wine, though. I just can't fathom it.

BiblioDiva said...

I have never put ice in my wine. However...if that's what you like and it works for you, then go with it.

I've had ice in red wine...when it's used to make sangria so why not!

Besides, you're drinking it. You should enjoy it. (Plus I'm working on being less judgmental in my older age.)