Sunday, December 28, 2008

Go Vikes!

So I've noticed that, as a bit of a side effect of being trapped on a postage stamp in a warzone and having nearly no external contact with rational human beings, I've become far too invested in the success or failure of my NFL team since childhood - the Cardiac Kids, the long-time heartbreakers, the MN Vikings. The only year that they were really any good since I reached the age of reason was the year that I was living far from all things western (and sadly that includes the NFL) in Africa. So now I'll blame the scabs on my knuckles from beating up a chair when the Vikes lost last week on being isolated and unbalanced by a lack of available social and cultural interaction, and not on any personal failings that might be integral to my own personality.

By the bye, my Vikes pulled it out, beat the Giants, and made it into the playoffs on their own merits. Let the madness and inappropriate behavior begin.


BiblioDiva said...

Although I am aware of one or two of your personal failings, I'm sure they have nothing to do with your scabby knuckles.

And I'm glad your team made it into the playoffs.

artemisia said...

Woo hoo! We watched it with A.'s folks; good times all around!