Tuesday, March 18, 2008


that you go see No Country For Old Men as soon as humanly possible. I know, I had also heard the (valid) whisperings that there is a doozy of an ending that some folks might not like (understatement).
See it anyway.
You will probably come out of the theater, as I did, pissed off that the Coens had managed to evoke Rashomon and Citizen Kane for two hours and then decided to smear poo on the screen.
See it anyway.
Seriously, it's like turning a corner in the Sistine Chapel and finding yourself in the parking lot at Waffle House.
See it anyway.
Then you can be pissed at me for a couple days that I talked you into it. But I promise that a couple weeks after you'll be glad you did. The acting is just too good to pass up. No scenery-chewers here. No Daniel Day-Lewis or Sean Penn acting AT you like you're in row 44,444YY of the Superdome. The script is spare and open enough for the actors to get their hand and skins around each character. Minor spoiler: (can't help myself) one of my favorites is when Josh Brolin's wife (played by Kelly Macdonald with a gravel-road earnestness that doesn't dribble into simplicity and a heroic pioneer wife strength that is still deeply real) is talking to Javiar Bardem. I don't know if it makes me miss the West but it does make me miss western women.
Maybe the DVD will have an alternate ending.


artemisia said...

I love this post! "row 44,444YY of the Superdome." Perfect.

Dammit, you may have talked me into seeing this. Will I need to watch Fraggle Rock after words to make sure I can sleep?

PettyBureaucrat said...

yeah, well... you being you, you may actually want to watch some Kim Possible or Etre et Avoir as a come-down afterwards.

Sarah said...

(This comment is actually on behalf of my husband)
"I'd recommend the movie only if you promise to turn it off right before you think the ultimate confontation takes place. When the old sherrif is driving and hears gunshots then sees a truck swerving wildly as it pulls out of a motel... just turn it off and imagine the rest."