Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Change of Plans

Well... plans have changed a bit.
I didn't get many bites on my offer to host Turkey Day at my place but I did get an invite to head up to Belgrade and partake of the Big Bird with a couple good friends up there so I've packed my gravy whisk, sage, corn bread mix and pomegranite juice in the trunk and am heading up as soon as I get out of work tomorrow.
I don't really know what the menu is thus far and that puts my cullinary plans a bit in the air. I should still be able to manage a couple different stuffings.
Then it's over to Italy for about a week of the grape/olive crush (*not sure which) with another assortment of drunks/friends. There will be joviality and raucousness.

*Update - It's to celebrate the planting of the new vines. But never fear, there should be plenty of the new wine to drink to help move along the planting.

1 comment:

artemisia said...

I wish I was there. Happy Turkey Day to you!